
By default, Styleguidist will look for styleguide.config.js file in your project’s root folder. You can change the location of the config file using --config CLI option.


Type: String or Array, optional

Your application static assets folder will be accessible as / in the style guide dev server.


Type: Object, default:

// Don't include an Object.assign ponyfill, we have our own
objectAssign: 'Object.assign',
// Transpile only features needed for IE11
target: { ie: 11 },
transforms: {
// Don't throw on ESM imports, we transpile them ourselves
modules: false,
// Enable tagged template literals for styled-components
dangerousTaggedTemplateString: true,
// to make async/await work by default (no transformation)
asyncAwait: false,

Styleguidist uses Bublé to run ES6 code on the frontend. This config object will be added as the second argument for buble.transform.


Type: String, Function or Array, default: src/components/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}

  • when String: a glob pattern that matches all your component modules.
  • when Function: a function that returns an array of module paths.
  • when Array: an array of module paths.

All paths are relative to config folder.

See examples in the Components section.


Type: Object, optional

Modules that will be available for examples. You can use it for utility functions like Lodash or for data fixtures.

module.exports = {
context: {
map: 'lodash/map',
users: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/users')

Then you can use them in any example:

<Message>{map(users, 'name').join(', ')}</Message>


Type: String[], optional

Array of absolute paths that allow you to specify absolute paths of directories to watch for additions or removals of components.

By default Styleguidist uses common parent directory of your components.

module.exports = {
contextDependencies: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'lib/components')]


Type: Function, optional

Function that allows you to add endpoints to the underlying Express server:

module.exports = {
configureServer(app) {
// `app` is the instance of the express server running Styleguidist
app.get('/custom-endpoint', (req, res) => {
res.status(200).send({ response: 'Server invoked' })

Your components will be able to invoke the URL http://localhost:6060/custom-endpoint from their examples.


Type: Function, optional


You may break Styleguidist by using this option, try to use webpackConfig option instead.

Allows you to modify webpack config without any restrictions.

module.exports = {
dangerouslyUpdateWebpackConfig(webpackConfig, env) {
// WARNING: inspect Styleguidist Webpack config before modifying it, otherwise you may break Styleguidist
webpackConfig.externals = {
jquery: 'jQuery'
return webpackConfig


Type: Boolean or String, default: false

For components that do not have an example, a default one can be used. When set to true, the is used, or you can provide the path to your own example Markdown file.

When writing your own default example file, __COMPONENT__ will be replaced by the actual component name at compile time.


Type: String, default: collapse

Defines the initial state of the example code tab:

  • collapse: collapses the tab by default.
  • hide: hide the tab and it can´t be toggled in the UI.
  • expand: expand the tab by default.


Type: Function, default: component filename

Function that returns a component path line (displayed under the component name).

For example, instead of components/Button/Button.js you can print import Button from 'components/Button';:

const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
getComponentPathLine(componentPath) {
const name = path.basename(componentPath, '.js')
const dir = path.dirname(componentPath)
return `import ${name} from '${dir}';`


Type: Function, default: finds or in the component folder

Function that returns examples file path for a given component path.

For example, instead of you can use

module.exports = {
getExampleFilename(componentPath) {
return componentPath.replace(/\.jsx?$/, '')


Type: Function, optional, default: [react-docgen-displayname-handler]

Function that returns functions used to process the discovered components and generate documentation objects. Default behaviors include discovering component documentation blocks, prop types, and defaults. If setting this property, it is best to build from the default react-docgen handler list, such as in the example below. See the react-docgen handler documentation for more information about handlers.


react-docgen-displayname-handler should be included.

module.exports = {
handlers: componentPath =>
(documentation, path) => {
// Calculate a display name for components based upon the declared class name.
if (
path.value.type === 'ClassDeclaration' && === 'Identifier'
) {
// Calculate the key required to find the component in the module exports
if (
path.parentPath.value.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration'
) {
// The component is the default export
if (
path.parentPath.value.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration'
) {
documentation.set('path', 'default')


Type: String[], default: ['**/__tests__/**', '**/*.test.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', '**/*.spec.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', '**/*.d.ts']

Array of glob pattern that should not be included in the style guide.


You should pass glob patterns, for example, use **/components/Button.js instead of components/Button.js.


Type: Object, by default will use console.* in CLI or nothing in Node.js API

Custom logger functions:

module.exports = {
logger: {
// One of: info, debug, warn
// Suppress messages
info: () => {},
// Override display function
warn: message => console.warn(`NOOOOOO: ${message}`)


Type: Boolean, default: true

If false, the production build will not be minimized.


Type: object, optional

Define aliases for modules, that you can import in your examples, to make example code more realistic and copypastable:

const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
moduleAliases: {
'rsg-example': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')
// ```jsx inside Markdown
import React from 'react'
import Button from 'rsg-example/components/Button'
import Placeholder from 'rsg-example/components/Placeholder'

Check out the webpack resolve.alias documentation for available syntax.


Type: string, default: rsg-root

The ID of a DOM element where Styleguidist mounts.


Type: Boolean, default: false

Render one section or component per page.

If true, each section will be a single page.

The value may depend on a current environment:

module.exports = {
pagePerSection: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'

To isolate section’s children as single pages (subroutes), add sectionDepth into each section with the number of subroutes (depth) to render as single pages.

For example:

module.exports = {
pagePerSection: true,
sections: [
name: 'Documentation',
sections: [
name: 'Files',
sections: [
name: 'First File'
name: 'Second File'
// Will show "Documentation" and "Files" as single pages, filtering its children
sectionDepth: 2
name: 'Components',
sections: [
name: 'Buttons',
sections: [
name: 'WrapperButton'
// Will show "Components" as single page, filtering its children
sectionDepth: 1
name: 'Examples',
sections: [
name: 'Case 1',
sections: [
name: 'Buttons'
// There is no subroutes, "Examples" will show all its children on a page
sectionDepth: 0


Type: Function, optional

Function that allows you to override the printing of build messages to console.log.

module.exports = {
printBuildInstructions(config) {
`Style guide published to ${config.styleguideDir}. Something else interesting.`


Type: Function, optional

Function that allows you to override the printing of local dev server messages to console.log.

module.exports = {
serverHost: 'your-domain',
printServerInstructions(config, { isHttps }) {
console.log(`Local style guide: http://${config.serverHost}`)


Type: Number, default: 500

Debounce time in milliseconds used before rendering the changes from the editor. While typing code the preview will not be updated.


Type: Function, optional

Function that allows you to override the mechanism used to parse props from a source file. The default mechanism is using react-docgen to parse props.

module.exports = {
propsParser(filePath, source, resolver, handlers) {
return require('react-docgen').parse(source, resolver, handlers)


Type: String[], optional

Modules that are required for your style guide. Useful for third-party styles or polyfills.

module.exports = {
require: [
path.join(__dirname, 'styleguide/styles.css')

This will add a separate webpack entry for each array item.

Don’t forget to add webpack loaders for each file you add here. For example, to require a CSS file you’ll need:

module.exports = {
webpackConfig: {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']

See Configuring webpack for mode details.


Type: Function, optional

Function that allows you to override the mechanism used to identify classes/components to analyze. Default behavior is to find all exported components in each file. You can configure it to find all components or use a custom detection method. See the react-docgen resolver documentation for more information about resolvers.

module.exports = {
resolver: require('react-docgen').resolver


Type: Object, optional

Show “Fork Me” ribbon in the top right corner.

module.exports = {
ribbon: {
// Link to open on the ribbon click (required)
url: '',
// Text to show on the ribbon (optional)
text: 'Fork me on GitHub'

Use the theme config option to change ribbon style.


Type: Array, optional

Allows components to be grouped into sections with a title and overview content. Sections can also be content only, with no associated components (for example, a textual introduction). Sections can be nested.

See examples of sections configuration.


Type: String, default:

Dev server hostname.


Type: Number, default: process.env.NODE_PORT or 6060

Dev server port. Can also be set via command line --port=6060.


Type: Boolean, default: true

Toggle sidebar visibility. The sidebar will be hidden when opening components or examples in isolation mode even if this value is set to true. When set to false, the sidebar will always be hidden.


Type: Boolean, default: false

Ignore components that don’t have an example file (as determined by getExampleFilename). These components won’t be accessible from other examples unless you manually require them.


Type: Function, optional

Function that sorts component props. By default props are sorted such that required props come first, optional props come second. Props in both groups are sorted by their property names.

To disable sorting, use the identity function:

module.exports = {
sortProps: props => props


Type: Object, optional

Override React components used to render the style guide:

module.exports = {
styleguideComponents: {
Wrapper: path.join(__dirname, 'styleguide/components/Wrapper'),
StyleGuideRenderer: path.join(

See an example of customized style guide.

To wrap, rather than replace a component, make sure to import the default implementation using the full path to react-styleguidist. See an example of wrapping a Styleguidist component.

Note: these components are not guaranteed to be safe from breaking changes in React Styleguidist updates.


Type: String, default: styleguide

Folder for static HTML style guide generated with styleguidist build command.


Type: Object, String or Function, optional

Customize styles of any Styleguidist’s component using an object, a function returning said object or a file path to a file exporting said styles.

See examples in the cookbook.


Using a function allows access to theme variables like in the example below. See available theme variables. The returned object folows the same format as when configured as a litteral.

module.exports = {
styles: function(theme) {
return {
Logo: {
logo: {
// we can now change the color used in the logo item to use the theme's `link` color

Note: If using a file path, it has to be absolute or relative to the config file.


Type: Object or Function, optional.

Change HTML for the style guide app.

An object with options to add a favicon, meta tags, inline JavaScript or CSS, etc. See @vxna/mini-html-webpack-template docs.

module.exports = {
template: {
favicon: ''

A function that returns an HTML string, see mini-html-webpack-plugin docs.


Type: Object or String, optional

Customize style guide UI fonts, colors, etc. using a theme object or the path to a file exporting such object.

The path is relative to the config file or absolute.

See examples in the cookbook.


See available theme variables.


Use React Developer Tools to find component and style names. For example a component <LogoRenderer><h1 className="rsg--logo-53"> corresponds to an example above.


Type: String, default: <app name from package.json> Style Guide

Style guide title.


Type: String default: expand

Defines if the table of contents sections will behave like an accordion:

  • collapse: All sections are collapsed by default
  • expand: Sections cannot be collapsed in the Table Of Contents

Collapse the sections created in the sidebar to reduce the height of the sidebar. This can be useful in large codebases with lots of components to avoid having to scroll too far.


Type: Function, optional

Function that modifies props, methods, and metadata after parsing a source file. For example, load a component version from a JSON file:

module.exports = {
updateDocs(docs, file) {
if (docs.doclets.version) {
const versionFilePath = path.resolve(
const version = require(versionFilePath).version
docs.doclets.version = version
docs.tags.version[0].description = version
return docs

With this component JSDoc comment block:

* Component is described here.
* @version ./package.json
export default class Button extends React.Component {
// ...
export default


Type: Function, optional

Function that modifies code example (Markdown fenced code block). For example, you can use it to load examples from files:

module.exports = {
updateExample(props, exampleFilePath) {
const { settings, lang } = props
if (typeof settings.file === 'string') {
const filepath = path.resolve(
const { file, ...restSettings } = settings
return {
content: fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'),
settings: restSettings,
return props

Use it like this in your Markdown files:

```js { "file": "./some/file.js" }

You can also use this function to dynamically update some of your fenced code blocks that you do not want to be interpreted as React components by using the static modifier.

module.exports = {
updateExample(props) {
const { settings, lang } = props
if (lang === 'javascript' || lang === 'js' || lang === 'jsx') {
settings.static = true
return props


Type: String, default: collapse

Defines the initial state of the props and methods tab:

  • collapse: collapses the tab by default.
  • hide: hide the tab and it can´t be toggled in the UI.
  • expand: expand the tab by default.


Type: Boolean, default: false

Print debug information. Same as --verbose command line switch.


Type: String, optional

Style guide version, displayed under the title in the sidebar.


Type: Object or Function, optional

Custom webpack config options: loaders, extensions, plugins, etc. required for your project.

Can be an object:

module.exports = {
webpackConfig: {
module: {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.es6']
rules: [
test: /\.scss$/,
loaders: [

Or a function:

module.exports = {
webpackConfig(env) {
if (env === 'development') {
return {
// custom options
return {}

This option disables config load from webpack.config.js, load your config manually.


entry, externals, output, watch, and stats options will be ignored. For production builds, devtool will also be ignored.


CommonsChunkPlugins, HtmlWebpackPlugin, MiniHtmlWebpackPlugin, UglifyJsPlugin, TerserPlugin, HotModuleReplacementPlugin plugins will be ignored because Styleguidist already includes them or they may break Styleguidist.


Run style guide in verbose mode to see the actual webpack config used by Styleguidist: npx styleguidist server --verbose.

See Configuring webpack for examples.